Win a Year’s Supply of Your Dog’s Favourite Food

Vendor: WoofWoofWin Competition #1
Tickets Remaining: 9641
Regular price £0.50 Sale price £0.50
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Grand Prize

Win A Year's Supply of Your Dog's Favourite Food!

That's right, we're giving you the opportunity to win a whole years supply of YOUR DOGS favourite food for just 50p!

If you win, you let us know what food your pooch would like, we'll take care of the rest and deliver it straight to your door.

A full breakdown of all Secondary prizes can be found listed below within the 'Competition Prizes' section.

𝟭 Grab Your Ticket(s)

Select the raffle you would like to enter and how many entries.


After your purchase is confirmed, you’ll receive an Order Number (Order #) via email. This serves as your ticket number and is entered into each competition the corresponding number of times based on your ticket purchases.

𝟮 Answer Question

Answer the competition question correctly.

𝟯 Watch Live Draw

Tune in to our official Woof Woof Win Facebook Page to watch the winner(s) be drawn live.

Live Draw Sunday 6th April @ 6PM
  • Entries to this draw will close 60 minutes before scheduled Live Draw
  • Draw takes place regardless of sell out
  • Competition will close sooner if the maximum entries are received however scheduled draw date and time remain

For Live Draw competitions, the live draw will be live streamed on our social media accounts at the scheduled time where the winners will be announced.

All winners are chosen using a random generator algorithm to ensure fairness.

All winners will be contacted directly, winners for each draw will also be announced on our social media pages for transparency.

Follow Our Socials

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Reviews Bar with Infinite Scroll
Patches’s human got him some tickets
Maggie’s human got her some tickets
Baxter’s human got him some tickets
Daisy’s human got her some tickets
Rocky’s human got him some tickets
Max’s human got him some tickets
Bailey’s human got her some tickets
Murphy’s human got him some tickets
Penny’s human got her some tickets
Zeus’s human got him some tickets
Entries to this competition will close in
This event is now closed.
Follow our socials to watch the Live Draw

Competition Prizes

Grand Prize

That's right, we're giving you the opportunity to win a whole years supply of YOUR DOGS favourite food!

If you win, you let us know what food your pooch would like, we'll take care of the rest and deliver it straight to your door.

Food requested must be within reason and limits to RRP value may apply as we do not want any going to waste*

The winner must declare any allergies their dog may have.

Secondary Prize
Secondary Prize
Secondary Prize
Secondary Prize
Secondary Prize
Secondary Prize
Secondary Prize
Secondary Prize